Tropical Swallowtail Moth- Have you spotted one yet?

I just had to write about this beautiful moth that has made a sudden population outbreak in Singapore. I’ve had 4 sightings of it in total, and one was in my own home!

The Tropical Swallowtail Moths (Lyssa zampa) are now being seen in abundance in Singapore due to the heavy flowering of trees after the recent dry spell. More than 700 sightings of the moth have been recorded all around Singapore and people have been posting sightings all over social media.

They have been spotted in many places from office buildings, parks, HDBs, schools and corridors. The moth is seen in Singapore mainly between May and August. Ecologists say the major increase in sightings happens every year or so since the last population outbreak in 2005.





  -The Lyssa zyampa moth is Singapore’s second largest moth after the atlas moth, with a wingspan of up to 16 cm.

-It is found throughout South-east Asia and is native to Singapore.

-The larvae feed on Endospermum and other members of the rubber tree family

Post your sightings of the moth on these following websites!


Stir-fried Science


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